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Visitor Experience Assistant

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Here's who I am & what I do

Hi! My name is Rob, and my passion in life is TV and Radio, but right now I work at the world famous Chatsworth House. Helping and guiding the many thousands of guests and making sure they have the best expeirence possible, and excelling their expectations



November 2019 - Present

Visitor Experience Assistant

Chatsworth House


The Devonshire Group

I am working at Chatsworth House as a ‘Visitor Experience Assistant’. This means I work on the ticket desk, selling house & garden tickets and processing pre-booked tickets whilst also upselling gift aid and..

November-December 2020

Bookings Team

Chatsworth House


The Devonshire Group

Part time I assisted the bookings team in contacting customers and processing refunds during the 2020 pandemic. This included working with and having an intimate knowledge of the bookings and membership management software: The Access Group’s ‘Gamma’ system. This was a very responsible role due to the job requiring me to take card information from customers and deal with large amounts of digital money

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July - November 2021

Visitor Experience Assistant

Hardwick Hall


National Trust

I am also working at Hardwick Hall as a ‘Service Assistant’. This means I work at the ‘Visitor Reception Building’, selling tickets to the hall & gardens and processing pre-booked tickets...

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April 2021 - May 2022


Peak Radio


Peak Media Group

I am the news reader for the local news on Peak Radio, a brand new radio station based in Chesterfield delivering local content radio to Derbyshire and East Staffordshire. In addition to reading the news, I research and write the bulletins. I have been involved...


February - September 2020

Events Team

Peak FM & Greatest Hits Radio (North Derbyshire)


Bauer Media Group

I was part of the events team for Peak FM, a local radio station based in Chesterfield, Derbyshire (which was part of the Wireless Group, now Bauer Media).  This meant I was the “face of the station” meeting people and encouraging them to listen and take part in local events and activities. I thoroughly...


January 2019 - Present

Freelance Web Designer and Branding Consultant

Button Branding

I am currently working part-time as a web designer and branding consultant. My major current client is a law firm specialising in licensing, I have created a new brand identity and a modern responsive website for them, which have both resulted in positive feedback and doubled the online traffic flow. 

March 2020 - Present

Webinar Services

Button Branding

I have been contracted by the law firm to take the technical lead on setting up and managing a series of webinars. When these are running, I provide the technical support for the delegates who are attending the course. This involves: talking them through any technical difficulties that they may be experiencing; and enabling them to participate. I have also created a booking system for the special events that clients use to book their place. I have subsequently also hosted these webinars.


October 2018 – June 2019

Vision Mixer & Director

Melodic Caring Project UK

United Kingdom

I was lucky enough to have work experience with the Melodic Caring Project (or MCP) which Live-streams concerts and gigs to terminally ill children and adults across the world. I worked on 5 concerts including Lucy Spraggan, Jools Holland & Becky Hill....


April 2018 - November 2019

Sales Assistant

Mountain Warehouse

Peak Shopping Village, Rowsley

The Devonshire Group

I worked there part time at weekends as Chief Sales Assistant. Within the role I advised customers with their choice of products involving use of the online order systems for delivery at customers’ homes. I was fully trained to complete customer purchases using the point of sales system (POS). ...


June 2017 - April 2018

Radio Presenter & Producer

Spire Radio


I was given the chance to be on Spire Radio (A local station in Chesterfield) as work experience with a group of friends, I was the Executive Producer, which meant I was running the show, getting content together (i.e. songs, jingles.) and making sure the show ran smoothly, I enjoyed my time there because I enjoy radio anyway and to be given the chance to be on it was fantastic.


June 2017 - April 2018


Grouse & Claret


Marston's PLC

I started as a glass collector and dishwasher. I then progressed to be a food runner (taking food from the kitchen to customer’s tables). Then I was fully trained as a Front of House Waiter. This job involved: greeting and seating customers; taking drink orders...


July 2016

Shadowing Student (Work Experience)

Rutherford Appleton Laboratory

Whilst at school I took part in the work experience programme and I shadowed a world-renowned scientist around the laboratory, and he taught me a lot about particle acceleration and muon division. I also experienced working in a large, world leading organisation.



2019 - Present

Technical Manager

Reel Rowsley Cinema

Rowsley Village Hall

I was a Founding Member of the “Reel Rowsley Community Cinema”, which provides a monthly screening of recent films in Rowsley Village Hall. On screening days my role includes, setting up the projector, Bluray reader and sound system, as well as being in chargee of the online booking system for...

2017 - 2019

Student Council Representative

Chesterfield College

I was Student Council Representative for two successful terms during which I helped to organise 2 trips for the whole department: one to New York; and one to the BBC MediaCityUK tour in Salford. I also brought in new equipment for the department...

2017 - 2019

Scouts Young Leader Award

1st Bakewell Scouts

During my time as part of the leading team at the Bakewell Scout Group I completed the “Young Leader Training” Award. This is an opportunity for people under the age of 18 to undertake Scout leader training and develop leadership and management skills. These are valuable and applicable in any situation.

2015 - 2019

Scout Leader

1st Bakewell Scouts

After progressing through Beavers, Cubs & Scouts myself and earning a Chief Scouts Gold Award (the highest award in the scouting section). I then volunteered at my local Beaver (Scout) Group as a young leader and did this for 4 years, and I gained my Young Leader Award. During that period, I was also in charge of their Social Media and OSM (Online Scout Manager).

2012 - 2016

Bakewell Youth Theatre


I was a member of my local youth theatre for 4 years and took part in several productions. I played 2 main characters, and a number of supporting roles. This developed my performing abilities and developed my skills at public speaking.


Professional skillset

I have a wealth of experience in customer facing roles including hospitality, retail, visitor attractions and events hosting.


In addition, I have extensive experience with computer technology including: PCs; Macs; iOS; Android OS. I am also highly experienced with Point of Sale (POS) systems and money handling. 


I am empathetic, adaptable, confident, articulate, reliable and well presented. I have been called a very good ‘people person’, I am approachable, confident about meeting new people and am very comfortable in any customer facing role.

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